Tuesday, 21 January, 2025
Tags Posts tagged with "Motorbike"

Tag: Motorbike

Heaviest Motorbike in the World

This is the heaviest motorbike in the world. Weighting at about 4750kg. Someone in Germany build this. I wonder how much will the COE...

Volkswagen Beetle Motorcycle

The Volkswagen Beetle is one of the most memorable cars in the history of automobiles. Virtually anyone could point out the bug-shaped auto in...

Singapore Car COE prices Remain High

What is new? We should be shocked if you were to tell us something nice like COE scheme has change to a better and...

Foreigners Deported for not Following Safe Distancing Measures during CB

Twelve foreigners were deported and banned from re-entering Singapore after they breached safe distancing measures during the circuit breaker period. According to a joint statement...

Thailand Gold Robber Fire Gunshots, Kills 3, Injured 4 Including Toddler

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4HHj00_W7g Three people were killed and four injured when a lone gunman fired bullets to rob a goldsmith's shop in Lopburi province. Deputy police spokesman Pol...

Fatal Accident at Ang Mo Kio Ave 1 and Ave 6

Today is a sad day, our hearts are with the affected families. Please ride and drive safely and keep our Singapore roads more safety. A...