Tag: Car
Singapore New Dashboard Fuel Gauge Vehicles
Here in Talk Cock Sing Song, we believe that all vehicles in Singapore should comes installed with this gauge instead of the regular fuel...
Alternative Use for a Car Spoiler
So, you can make full use of your car spoiler after all.
Volkswagen Beetle Motorcycle
The Volkswagen Beetle is one of the most memorable cars in the history of automobiles. Virtually anyone could point out the bug-shaped auto in...
Good Car Advertisement, But…
Creative car ads. But see what happen in the next image. LOL
The ghost of Ayrton Senna, Suzuka 1989
Honda has created this incredible a video tribute to Ayrton Senna. They took the actual data from Senna’s 1989 McLaren-Honda to create an audio/visual...
COE Category A to Include Engine Power
The Certificate of Entitlement (COE) system has been refined to include a new criterion for Category A cars. Under the change, the engine power...