Singapore’s Heroine


A 19-year-old polytechnic student tried to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) on the injured biker who had apparently skidded along Braddell Road and hit his head against the lamp post. The accident happened at around 7.30am outside the Singapore Press Holdings building Tuesday (Jul 23), said Ms Sophia Tay, an eyewitness. It was understood that the biker did not collide with any other vehicle.

She told Stomp that she was 50 to 70 metres behind the motorcyclist when she saw him suddenly swerve to the left and hit a kerb. The next moment, he was on the floor and she immediately stopped her car and alighted to assist and call the police. Another witness of the accident, a 19-year-old student, immediately attempted CPR on the victim when she saw him lying on the ground.

The 38-year-old biker’s injuries proved too severe and he died despite the CPR attempt. According to a report in Shin Min Daily News, the student was on her way to school when she saw the accident.

In an interview with Shin Min Daily News, the girl said that she had learned CPR in her secondary school and she is not afraid of blood. “Unfortunately, I was not able save him,” she said.

This shows that there are still hope in Singapore. There are still a lot of helpful Singaporean around, we just need to encourage more and we may turn out to be a even better country after all.

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