Monday, 10 March, 2025
Drivers Please Read! Talk Cock Sing Song

Drivers Please Read!

We believe that all Road user should know this. This is very important.
Road Hogger Road Hogging Talk Cock Sing Song

Road Hogger Road Hogging

Imagine taking your own sweet time going for dinner after your work, window shopping around just to avoid the heavy road traffic condition after work. After a long tired day at work everything in...
Funny Man at Cold Storage Sime Darby Centre Talk Cock Sing Song

Funny Man at Cold Storage Sime Darby Centre

Well, let's make him popular. He has the right to scream about customer service but he has no right to use verbal abuse. Hope he gets what he deserved soon. This male aggressor barged in...
PRC Tourists Refused to Pay at 5 Star Hotel in Orchard Talk Cock Sing Song

PRC Tourists Refused to Pay at 5 Star Hotel in Orchard

Well, seem like PRC having the new way of cheating in Singapore, and guess what, Singapore business has no way to stop them. Read the story and it started with the grandfather not knowing how...
South Korean Man Jailed for Taking Upskirt Videos of Women Talk Cock Sing Song

South Korean Man Jailed for Taking Upskirt Videos of Women

This is funny, and we have no idea why does he wants to do that, maybe it is the thrill, and now he will get more thrill in prison. A South Korean man was jailed...
Professor Explain Marketing to Students, Pretty True Talk Cock Sing Song

Professor Explain Marketing to Students, Pretty True

A Professor explained about Marketing to MBA students. You see a gorgeous girl in a party, you go to her and say, "I am rich, marry me," - That's Direct Marketing. You attend a party and...

