Monday, 10 March, 2025
Cartoons Latte Arts Talk Cock Sing Song

Cartoons Latte Arts

Saw these creative cartoons latta arts. There are Pokemons, Mario, Sonic, Angry Birds and some other cartoons. We never really saw these in Singapore before, Anyone know if we can find it in Singapore,...

All 80’s and 90’s Kids will Remember this…

Anyone remember this? This is the first season of Mighty Morphin Power Ranger opening theme song in 1993. Also in the video is the 2nd season opening theme I think. It will greatly burned...

How Germany Drivers React to Ambulance on Siren

This post is to relate to the previous post Car Refused to Give Way to an Ambulance This is how other country drivers react to Ambulance with siren on. This video is recorded on an...

Life as a Singaporean Staying in Singapore

Came across this video and feels like this is what it is as a Singaporean. You compete to survive from young all the way... for the end of the road... SIGH. Share this video with...
Creative Easter Eggs Designs Talk Cock Sing Song

Creative Easter Eggs Designs

Check out all these creative easter eggs designs that we found online and we thought we should share them. From Southpark, Star Wars, Simpson, Mario... etc... Do email us if you have more to add...

Fare-distances of Bus Services not found on Official Mobile Apps and Bus Stop Information...

Contribute by Richard Tay Singapore Bus Fare collection system had migrated from the Fare Card format to the Ez-link card format in 13Apr2002. The fares structures basically based on Fare-Stages travelled from one bus stop...

