404 Error – Looks like You have Found a Dead Link
This is a very creative 404 Error page for any website. Looks like we should change our 404 error page to this soon too.
All gamers should not who link is. In case for those...
LEGO Creative Bus-stop Ad in Singapore
As children, we would make up our imaginary worlds in our heads – one where anything was possible. We would turn those worlds into reality, thanks to Lego. The creative team at Lego understood...
Gas Control Creative Safety Billboard Ad
It took use some time to realise this was a billboard and not a ruined building. We don’t understand what is written on this billboard, but we do know it is a public announcement...
Singapore New Dashboard Fuel Gauge Vehicles
Here in Talk Cock Sing Song, we believe that all vehicles in Singapore should comes installed with this gauge instead of the regular fuel gauge. This gauge just speak what we had in our...