Monday, 10 March, 2025
The Ultimate Insult Creator Talk Cock Sing Song

The Ultimate Insult Creator

Use this if you ever need to think of words to insult. This is of great help.
Sad Truth Talk Cock Sing Song

Sad Truth

This is a sad truth of what is happening in our world now.
Why Drinking More Water is Good for Health Talk Cock Sing Song

Why Drinking More Water is Good for Health

This is why people says drink more water, it is good for your health. Now we know why.
LEGO White 3D Clouds Billboard Ad Talk Cock Sing Song

LEGO White 3D Clouds Billboard Ad

Lego turned something as simple as blue and white legos and turned them into a beautiful blue sky with plush fluffy clouds, made with Lego bricks.
For that Special Someone Talk Cock Sing Song

For that Special Someone

Somehow, someday, someone, will required this design?
Apple iPhone and Samsung Galaxy S Talk Cock Sing Song

Apple iPhone and Samsung Galaxy S

This is already an old joke. But it just never fail to make us laugh every single time I see it. Do share this joke to more readers!

